
Zika virus

Zika virus is spread by mosquitoes and can also be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy.  

Symptoms are usually mild and include fever, muscle pain and headache.

The mosquitoes that can spread the virus are not normally found in New Zealand, but they are found in many countries around the world.

Pregnant women who become infected with Zika can transmit the disease to their unborn babies, with serious consequences. There are reports of an increase in severe birth defects in babies whose mothers are infected while pregnant.

If you are concerned about Zika, call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or see your doctor or practice nurse.

Zika virus is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species of mosquito.

There is no vaccine for Zika virus. The best way to avoid it is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Use insect repellent (you can apply this over sunscreen), wear long sleeves, pants and socks, and stay in places where there are mosquito screens on windows and doors, or places with air-conditioning where the doors and windows are closed.


There are specific requirements for notifiable diseases in the Auckland region.

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Last updated 13.12.2022

For health advice call Healthline  for free anytime on 0800 611 116
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