Preparing your school and ECE for infectious disease outbreaks helps you to:
On this page you'll find guidance and videos on how to prepare for an outbreak, information for whānau, and lessons from the 2023 measles outbreak at Albany Senior High School.
For detailed guidance download the NPHS Northern Region Infectious disease outbreak guidance for schools and ECEs (PDF).
Dr Subha Rajanaidu and Dr Bryn Thompson from the National Public Health Service - Northern Region explore how schools and ECEs can prepare for whooping cough and measles outbreaks, and how to keep staff, tamariki and students safe.
Dr Subha Rajanaidu & Dr Bryn Thompson from the National Public Health Service - Northern Region explain the risks of measles and whooping cough, and how whānau can protect themselves and tamariki against these infectious diseases.
In May 2023 Albany Senior High School was notified by public health that a measles exposure had occurred on their premises and it needed to take urgent action to keep students and staff safe.
In response the school swiftly shifted to remote learning, supported school community testing and vaccination drives, and maintained open communication with their school community.
Albany Senior High's experience highlighted the importance of:
If you suspect a pupil has an infectious disease call public health for advice. You can contact the National Public Health Service Northern Region on 09 623 4600, 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If a child requires health advice contact their doctor, or ring Healthline on 0800 611 116. In an emergency always dial 111.
Last updated 31.1.2025